Winter Indoor Centerfire 900 Pistol Matches
Once a month, usually on the 3rd Saturday from October until March, HH&A will hold centerfire conventional pistol (Bullseye) matches at the indoor pistol range. See our Match Flyer for the scheduled dates and times.
Cost is $15.00, payable by cash or check during check-in.
Our matches are open to the public. They are not NRA-sanctioned; however, we follow NRA conventional pistol rules in running them. No club or NRA membership is required to participate.
The course of fire will be the NRA 900, shot at a distance of 25 yards using B-16 and B-8 targets. Two relays will be held per match date. Alibis/refires will be allowed.

Eighteen shooters will be squadded per relay, on a first come, first served basis. Registration must be done in advance by email. Walk-ons will be allowed if space is available.
To register, shooters must provide their name, address, phone number and email address, and specify which relay they wish to shoot on. Shooters will be assigned a relay and shooting position, and reservations will be confirmed by email.
Any safe centerfire semi-auto or revolver may be used. Red Dot optics are allowed. Ninety rounds of any safe ammunition, plus extras for any refires, are required per match.
Shooters will score (pass right, score left) and repair targets downrange after every 10 shot target is fired. Bring your own stapler, staples, pasters, and pen. Scoring overlays may be used to help determine shot value.
Awards will be cash, with 50% of entry fees paid back to shooters using a modified Lewis Classification System. Aggregate 900 scores will be used to determine ranking.
All guns must be unloaded and bagged until called to the firing line. A safety briefing will be held prior to the start of the matches. Shooters must follow established range safety procedures and obey all commands issued by the Range Safety Officer calling the line. Ear and eye protection are mandatory.