NRA Marksmanship Qualification Program
Harrisburg Hunters’ and Anglers' Association is an excellent facility to introduce a young shooter to the discipline and practice it takes to become an expert marksman. The courses of fire for the NRA’s Qualification Program are designed to take shooters from beginning skill levels through intermediate levels, and on to expert levels. By the time a shooter completes the highest rating, he or she has attained a proficiency level of a competitively classified Sharpshooter. The qualifications include:
Handgun Qualification
Bullseye Pistol Qualification
Intermediate Air Pistol Qualification
Intermediate Air Rifle Qualification
4-Position Rifle Qualification
Light Rifle Qualification
American Rifle Qualification
High Power Rifle Qualification
Shotgun Qualification
Muzzleloading Firearms Qualification
Sport Shooting Qualification
Qualification awards include Discipline Patches, Skill Rockers, Pins, Medals and Medal Bars, and various certificates. The skill levels a shooter progresses through are:
Beginning Skill Levels
Intermediate Skill Levels
Marksman 1st Class
Nationally Recognized Skill Level
Distinguished Expert
Visit the NRA Marksmanship Qualification website at https://mqp.nra.org/ for more information on this program.