Police Pistol Combat (PPC) Matches
The PPC matches at Harrisburg Hunters’ and Anglers’ Association start in April and run once a month through October. We shoot the 1st Saturday of the month from 9:00 AM until around noon at PPC Range #2. The match is held weather permitting and as long as we have enough shooters present, usually running about 5 relays per match date. For the months of June, July, and August, we will hold an 'early bird', sixth relay at 8:15 AM prior to the normal schedule, which begins at 9 AM. See the PPC Match Flyer linked below for scheduled match dates and other pertinent details.
Come when you can and shoot as many relays as you like. Our matches provide a great way to hone your shooting skills.
New shooters are welcome and no prior competition experience is required. No special competition guns are required and shooters are encouraged to use their self defense/home protection/duty guns.
Our PPC matches are not NRA-sanctioned, but we follow their rules and guidelines for running our matches as much as we can, so they have the same look and feel as the PPC matches run at other clubs. Final decisions on any technical questions will be decided by the Match Director.
Our goal is to provide a friendly, but competitive, combat handgun target shooting discipline for all shooters, civilian and law enforcement alike, which will allow them to improve their marksmanship skills and competence with their handguns under the stress of competition, and to be safe and have fun while they are doing it.​

The standard course of fire is the Combat 600 Match, which is a 60-round, timed event with a maximum score of 600-60x. Six rounds are loaded and fired per string. You must draw from a holster, use both your strong and weak hand during firing, and execute a mandatory reload between strings of fire. All loading must be done from the shooter’s person (e.g., magazine/speed loader holder, pocket, pouch, etc.). Revolvers must be fired double-action only. Any safe factory or hand-loaded pistol ammunition is allowed. Targets used are black NRA Police Pistol Silhouette - B-27E and repair centers. Shooters score and repair targets downrange.
We also have a timed, 50 round Off Duty course of fire with a maximum score of 500-50x. The course of fire is very similar to the Combat 600, but only five rounds are loaded and shot on each string, and you start from a low ready position instead of drawing from a holster. See Off Duty Course of Fire for more details. This course of fire is shot concurrently with the Combat 600 Match on the same relay.
Safety on the range is paramount. Matches will be supervised by the Range Safety Officer (RSO) calling the line. Shooters must follow all NRA safe gun handling rules, all specific PPC range rules, and all range commands given by the RSO. Ear and eye protection are mandatory. A safety briefing will be provided prior to the start of the matches. Safe and proper use of your firearm is your personal responsibility. Make it your top priority. Safety violations could result in disqualification.
We run a “cold” range. This means that all guns must be holstered or bagged, and kept unloaded with the magazine removed and hammer down on an empty chamber. No guns may be touched or handled unless (1) you are under the direct supervision of an RSO on the firing line, or (2) you are at the designated SAFE AREA. No loaded guns are allowed at the SAFE AREA, and no ammo may be handled at the SAFE AREA.
Minimum equipment required (Combat 600):
Centerfire handgun (Stock Service Revolver of .32 caliber or larger with barrel length limited to 6”, Stock Service Semi Auto Pistol of .35 caliber or larger with barrel length limited to 5.5”, capable of firing 6 shots).
Rimfire handgun (revolver or semi-auto pistol of .22 caliber, barrel length of 7.5” or less, capable of firing 6 shots).
Hip holster (must be forward draw "strong-side" which covers the trigger guard, worn on a sturdy belt). No cross draw, back, or shoulder rigs allowed.
Three speed loaders or magazines (five is better, 10 is best).
Eye and ear protection.
60 rounds of any safe pistol ammunition per relay.
Pen or Pencil for scoring.
Minimum equipment required (Off Duty):
Same as centerfire handgun above, except barrel length of 3.75”, capable of firing 5 shots.
50 rounds of any safe pistol ammunition per relay.
Accessories recommended:
Range bag to hold equipment and accessories.
Speed loader or magazine holders for belt.
Clipboard to hold scorecard.
Scoring overlay.
There are five separate Gun Classes you may choose to shoot in:
Stock Service Semi Auto Pistol (centerfire, iron sights only).
Stock Service Revolver (centerfire, iron sights only).
Stock .22 Rimfire Semi Auto Pistol or Revolver (iron sights only).
Stock Off Duty Semi Auto Pistol or Revolver (centerfire, iron sights only).
Open Gun (Optics allowed. Includes Centerfire and .22 Rimfire Semi Autos and Revolvers, all modifications allowed, also includes iron sight guns built for NRA PPC Open Class). For any other external modifications or other questions, final Gun Class determination will be made by the Match Director.
Note: The distinction between “Stock” and “Open” Class usually boils down to whether the gun has iron sights versus some type of optical sights (e.g., red dot, reflex, holographic). However, custom guns built for NRA PPC Open Class (heavy barrels, sight ribs, etc.) fall into our Open Class as well, even though they have iron sights. In the case of other external modifications or other questions, the final Gun Class determination will be made by the Match Director.
Lasers and flashlights do not need to be taken off gun, but NEITHER can be used during any match regardless of gun category.
Match Fees:
$5 per relay.
Cash Awards
Cash awards paid out monthly by gun class.
A minimum of 50% of all relay fees taken in paid back to shooters.
Lewis Classification System used to determine winners.
Amount and number of awards paid out determined based on the number of shooters participating in each of five gun classes.
Awards available for pickup at next match.
End of Season Award
End of Season Award raffle based on total number of relays shot per season.
One entry ticket is earned for every 10 relays shot in the season.
Awards consist of gift card and/or shooting accessories.
Will be drawn at HH&A Club members November meeting.
Certificate of Achievement
Provided for shooters qualifying for our 500 and 600 Clubs, and for any High Individual Standing Records tied or broken.
Come out and have some fun with us. Bring a shooting friend with you. Our PPC matches are open to the public.
See links below for additional information.
Any questions, please contact:
John Kline, Match Director
phone: (717) 514-0404
email: jpkline601@gmail.com
Revised February 1, 2025