Bullseye Pistol
Summer Pistol League

The HH&A Summer Pistol League (Bullseye) will be held at our outdoor Bullseye Pistol Range.
We begin each session with a free, 2-relay practice night on the third Wednesday in April, so shooters can sight-in their pistols at 25 yards and get acclimated to the course of fire.
The league officially starts on the fourth Wednesday in April and runs every Wednesday evening through the third Wednesday in August. Relays start at 6:30 PM. See our Match Flyer for the match dates.
Weekly scores and averages are kept by gun class to determine end of season awards.
Gun classes include Rimfire (22 LR caliber) and Centerfire (32 through 45 caliber) handguns. You may shoot in either or both gun classes.
League registration is $10 for the 1st gun, and $5 for the 2nd gun (optional).
Relay registration fee is $1 per relay. Fee includes targets.
Four relays are held each evening, weather permitting. Shoot as many relays as you like. Course of fire is the 30-shot National Match Course.
NRA B-16 (Slow Fire) and B-8 (Timed and Rapid Fire) targets will be used. All targets are shot at 25 yards using turning target stands.

Shooters must provide their own gun(s), ammunition, ear and eye protection, stapler and staples, pen or pencil, target pasters/tape, and empty chamber indicator (ECI). If you don’t have an ECI, we will give you one.
Any safe ammo may be used. Standard velocity is recommended.
Scoring and target repair will be done by shooters downrange after each 10-shot target is fired. Pass scorecards right, score left. Scores will be recorded and averaged, and cash awards will be given out to winners by Lewis Class within each Gun Class at the end of the season.
Cash awards will be determined by the Lewis Classification System and be given to the Grand Winner, and to a minimum of 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Places in Lewis Classes A, B, and C, within the Rimfire, Centerfire, and Combined gun classes. Additional payout Places (e.g. 4th, 5th, 6th) may be added, if warranted.
To be eligible for awards, shooters must fire a minimum of 15 paid relays in a given Gun Class (Rimfire, Centerfire). To be eligible for awards in the Combined Gun Class, you must have fired a minimum of 15 paid relays in both the Rimfire and Centerfire Gun Classes.
Note: Bullseye shooting is done with one hand. Two-handed shooting is allowed in the league, but scores will be for practice only and will not be eligible for awards.
Our matches are open to the public. Come and shoot with us when you can. Bring a shooting friend with you. No prior competition experience is required. It’s fun and a great way to maintain your competitive edge over the summer.
For more information, contact Bob Hempt, Match Director, robjankate@aol.com.