William Penn Pistol League
The William Penn Pistol League (WPPL) has been in existence since 1947. It is a traveling, indoor .22 pistol league, with the following ten local club teams currently participating:
AMP Pistol Team
Carlise Gun Club
Hummelstown Pistol Team
Middletown Pistol Team
Mount Joy Pistol Team
Palmyra Pistol Team
Red Rose Pistol Team
State Pistol Team
West Shore Pistol Team
York & Adams Pistol Team
The league runs on most Wednesday nights from September through March/April in the greater Harrisburg, Pennsylvania area, followed by an Awards Banquet in May. For more information, the WPPL website can be accessed at www.wppl.us.
Harrisburg Hunters' and Anglers' Association (H&A) has two teams in the league – AMP and State. Our teams are open to anyone interested in indoor Bullseye shooting and are comprised of both male and female shooters. We encourage juniors to participate, and they shoot free.
Our teams shoot at home and also travel to other club ranges during the course of the league’s 27 week shooting season. When one team is scheduled to shoot at home, the other is away. Most of the ranges where we compete are located within 30 minutes of Harrisburg.
The course of fire is 20 shots slow fire, 20 shots timed fire, and 20 shots rapid fire – all fired at 50 feet indoors using NRA Bullseye targets. The maximum possible score is 600-60x.
The main pieces of equipment needed to start shooting Bullseye pistol are a semi-automatic .22 target pistol, two magazines, standard velocity .22 caliber ammo, eye and ear protection, paper targets, and some pistol cleaning supplies. This will get you started in this challenging sport. Optional, but nice to have, equipment includes a red dot scope for the pistol, a gun box with a spotting scope, and a timer.
If you have an interest in Bullseye pistol shooting, please come out to see us on a Wednesday evening and consider joining one of our teams. Whether you are already an expert, or if you have never fired a handgun, we will be glad to discuss the benefits of Bullseye pistol shooting and being part of a pistol team. It’s a lot of fun, you’ll meet like-minded people, gain valuable hands-on practical experience, and have an opportunity to benefit from helpful information, tips, and recommendations from accomplished experts. And, you will become a better shooter.
Team Links: